Saturday, November 29, 2008


Apocalypse now IS NOT the greatest war movie ever! Who ever thought it was, is CRAZY.

Thanksgiving was a blast. I had two dinners so who can beat that. Both were excellent.
The next day I worked on some projects for X-mas and then David and I bought 7 new DVDs from FYE
We watched two of them.
Today we plan on going to the glass factory they are having an art fair, so hope we can find some good stuff.

Hope you have a great weekend cause I know I sure will.

Monday, November 24, 2008


You are now reading the blog of a new Teachers Assistant for Oakville High School. Ya! Go Me.

I am really excited to see what this new path brings.
It is going to be on interesting adventure.
But I think I am up for the challenge.

Hope all is well and Thanksgiving is fast approaching so get ready to EAT EAT EAT!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I have my second job interview tomorrow (heck ya!) hopefully for my NEW job
which will give me a reNEWed life.
I just need a change.

Wish me luck, it is much needed.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Christmas Stockings

These are my lovely Christmas Stockings. They are missing a few things, like the hanger and our names, I want to get them embroidered with our names on the heel, but other than those little details they are complete.

This one is Davids
If he is good I wont tell Santa to fill it with cole.

This one is mine!
Not bad for m first attempt ( well at least I didn't think so)

They were fun to make so I am hoping to make some more of them. Experiment with a few different materials.
I am also thinking of making the dogs each one, they would get little paws but that might be a little obsessive so we shall see.

Do something creative, its fun, have a great night.

To Make or Not To Make. . .

So I have been thinking about making my Christmas presents this year. But it just may seem a little elementary. I don't know.

They will be a one of a kind Ashley inspired gift.
Gives me something creative to do.
Could be a bit cheaper.

I may not get them done in time ( though I did just finish two Xmas stockings oh so proud)
People may not like them
Could look really cheap and cheesy.

Oh what a world of decisions
especially for people who have everything, MOM AND DAD!
better make it fast Christmas will be here before you know it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Damn Its Cold

David and I watched 2 movies last night and I thought that I was going to be an ice cube by the end of them. We have yet to turn our heat on. I am thinking we are going to have to cave in before my nose freezes off.

The nutshell. . .

I work till 5pm (oh goodie)
I am going to watch extreme home makeover
then sleep sleep sleep, it was a rough weekend
sleeping it off sounds like one good idea.
Still waiting to hear about the job so wish me luck

Have a fan.freakin.tastic week.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Girl Scouts

Girl scouts. . . that is who I spent my entire weekend with.
Oh what fun it was. Until. . . they bring threre bitchy mothers to
the class. Then that sucks any fun you were having right out the window.